Taleweaver 1E Revision 2

Added and adjusted a few things based on feedback from you all:

Ø Appendix E: A list of questions that create the initial gameflow. Good for those running the game.

Ø Appendix F: A list of goals to provide for a one-shot

Ø "Popcorn" turn order:  No more randomly assigned turn order. Pick who goes next in a plan

Ø New encounter turn order: Mixed successes and failures don't do immediate damage but instead give the encounter a turn to react.

Ø Resting: After a long rest, aspect points are refilled. A player can then decide if they want to have maximum aspect points or restore their holistics.  Think of it as feeling sore the morning after you did something.


Taleweaver 1E 29 MB
4 hours ago

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