Post-Release and Upcoming Projects

Hey everyone, time for an update! There has been a lot of development and navigating the ins and outs of self-publishing going on behind the scenes. Typically, a project of the caliber I have  created has a small team behind it, but I am more or less flying solo here, so to speak.

Just know that these silent periods mean I'm working hard on a project (or two…or three).

At this time, I can't make promises on dates, but I can disclose what is being worked on!


  • First Edition Patch: Some parts of the downloadable PDF did not export correctly and I am making sure those are corrected. Also, despite going through editing, I also realized capitalized keywords are kind of annoying to read, so I will be adjusting that. There are also a few more pieces of artwork I wanted to include that didn't make it for the release.

  • Releasing on other sites. Right now this project is only on Itch. I want to get Taleweaver posted on Drivethru RPG as well as eventually developing a more official website.

  • Scandagliare: Realm of Materials. If you have participated in any Taleweaver playtests, Scandagliare has been the world setting. Much of the lore has been written, though it will need to be revised to fit the latest rendition of the game as well as accommodating for ease-of-use. I would eventually like to release the playtest as a module. This will be a ready-to-play version for those who may not have experienced the current edition of Taleweaver. My plan is to give this out for free to my early adopters as well as playtesters of the game as a special thank you! Scandagliare will include unique species, prayer mechanics ala tales, and tons of lore for this post-post- apocalyptic world.
  • Adventures in the Middle West (working title) is an edition I started early this year. This world consists of smallfolk, such as mice, faeries and living toys, that must record their lore and history in riddles and song. An evil force known as the veilpact destroys everything lacking magic and whimsy. This is a world steeped in cozy mystique and bite-sized adventures in a giant’s world. The current iteration is a rule book mixed with bits of poetry. The poetry takes quite a bit of time to craft and make feel like it’s coming from the Middle West universe.

  • The Endless Sea: This rule book is bursting with sea shanties. I want it to be accompanied with chords so folks can actually sing the book. This is being worked on as a “per inspiration” basis. 

I have also been working on a handful of non-TW projects. I am unsure how often I will be taking on these types of projects, as I am spread pretty thin, but I am quite aware that I don't have much notoriety outside “that one project with all the bookmark business cards”. I will post about these projects when they are ready to be shared, so stay tuned! 

Lastly, I will be attending both U-Con and Gamehole Con for those who wish to enter the world of Scandagliare. No two games have been alike and it's always fun to see what different adventurers get up to. Sign up while there are still spots available!

Thanks, as always, for your support! It means a lot to me and gives me the steam I need to keep going. Until next time, happy gaming!

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