Post-Gamehole Con Feedback

It was wonderful seeing everyone who came out for Gamehole Con. There was a lot of valuable feedback and I think we solved one of the most common critiques.

The Good!

Ø Painting the Scene - LOVED. Asking questions to players is fun, easy, and provides the exact shared narrative experience we're going for.

Ø Goals - A lovely alternate rule for one shots and lighter games. It has worked well for showing off how leveling up works. 

Ø Traveler Sheet Changes - The new symbols are considerably easier to see and understand. I haven't heard any issues with seeing the throughlines between the playing card suits and the Tarot suits. 

The Mixed

Ø Initiative - Perhaps the biggest critique. I think we have come to the consensus that "Popcorn initiative" works best. Players with a good idea or plan start first and then point to the next person who wants to take action.  What needs to be found out is when does the enemy take a turn. 

I have thought about the system being completely based on the players successes and failure but that creates the problem that not doing anything means you always safe from harm. So there needs to be some tension there. My initial thought is that the encounter gets a turn every 3 actions with some variance based on the encounter type and difficulty. This needs some thinking over

Ø Difficulty - Still haven't hit the goldilocks spot. I think the challenge numbers feel right but when I look at how many cards are still in peoples decks, it feels like there is still too easy in some areas. Luck challenges, while very fun, are incredibly easy for any Traveler with a few ranks. I want to focus on the sense of exertion from cards and make that feel like you are really overcoming and succeeding with that you got.

Ø The Module - While not related to to the book itself, The module being ran at conventions has not gone through editing so there are typos and old vernacular. I am currently going through and writing this up more as a formal module so the editing on all the quick guides and pre-generated sheets will get fixed in due time.
Additionally, I need to add more information about how magic works with the quick guides.

We'll be taking a day or two to recoup and then get to integrating those into the system.

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